Gardening Duty

Saint Joachim 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA, United States

The Council will help the Church with heavy gardening duties, typically tree trimming.

Church Ministry Event

Guadalupe Hall 6715 Leesburg Pl, Stockton, CA, United States

The council will prepare a hot dog dinner for a Presentation Ministry event (Confirmation Students).  Council members are asked to volunteer to help cook and serve food.

Mothers Day

Guadalupe Hall 6715 Leesburg Pl, Stockton, CA, United States

Mothers Day brunch from 10:00AM to noon.  French Toast, Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns and Mimosa (for the adults).   $20 per person and $5 for children under 10 years old.



Saint Joseph 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA, United States

The council will host an Exemplification for prospective Knights on Wednesday August 3, 2023 at 6:00PM in the Holy Grounds coffee shop. The prospective Knights have been invited and all current council member are invited to attend.

Fall Fest Breakfast

Guadalupe Hall 6715 Leesburg Pl, Stockton, CA, United States

The council will make Breakfast Burritos in the kitchen.

Christmas Dinner

Saint Joachim 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA, United States

Please join us for our annual Christmas Dinner on Wednesday December 13 at 5:00PM. The council will provide the main course and we need a couple volunteers to bring Turkey, Ham, etc.  The council will reimburse so keep the receipts! ... Continue Reading →

Lentin Soup Supper

Guadalupe Hall 6715 Leesburg Pl, Stockton, CA, United States

The council will provide the Lentin Soup Supper for Stations of the Cross parishoners.  Please prepare enough meatless soup to fit in a crock pot, soup cooker or combination pressure cooker.  Deliver to the Guadalupe Hall no later than 6:15PM... Continue Reading →

Memorial Mass

Saint Joachim 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA, United States

Please join us for a combined Knights of Columbus and Daughters of Isabella Memorial Mass where we remember and pray for our deceased Knights and Daughters. The Mass will begin at 7:00PM and the Knights and Daughters will meet afterwards... Continue Reading →